reduce wasted time

11 tips to reduce wasted time on social media while working

Unrestricted access to social media or reducing wasted time during work are topics that are more urgent than controversial. Of course, they require a comprehensive analysis of the scenario and work context in each company and the activities performed by professionals. However, it is clear that uncontrolled access does not work and that focusing on work and increasing productivity in companies is necessary .

Therefore, it is the duty and obligation of business management to define policies for managing and controlling access to the internet . As well as informing them and guiding employees regarding the release and restriction of access to applications, websites, social networks and the Web.

Ultimately, the meaning of this is to optimize compliance processes in data security and governance , with a view to better productivity rates, without distractions.

To assist in this analysis, I suggest you read the following articles in advance:

Responsible and shared commitment between employees and companies

Regardless of the policy adopted in your company, it is important that you, as an employee, understand that constant access to social networks during work compromises focus and task completion .

This understanding certainly leads to responsible and shared commitment between workers and entrepreneurs. After all, it needs to be a win-win relationship. Because, when one side is harmed, the sum is never positive and the impacts are always harmful.

Failing to be productive and not delivering the expected and possible results is irresponsible behavior that immediately compromises and penalizes companies and everyday life in the workplace .

However, in the short and medium term, it certainly compromises the company's ability to grow and guarantee job stability .

Therefore, for the benefit of the employee, responsibility is recommended when accessing social media at work. Therefore, commitment and discipline are necessary towards responsibilities in the company .

As a result, we've listed 11 simple tips to keep your team focused and make work more productive :

1 – Only use relevant social networks

Every day, social networks attract and distract in different ways. Yes, they are very efficient at attracting attention and taking up users’ time. Before joining and spending time on any network, evaluate the relevance and purpose of participating and interacting during work hours. If there is even a hint of doubt, stop participating and try to be available only for the company and your work. In the end, your livelihood comes from the company and not from social media.

2 – Disable email notifications

All social networks allow you to configure the receipt of notifications by email. It is recommended to disable all types of notifications, as it will be difficult for you to control your curiosity to know why you were tagged or commented on. Discipline and responsibility need to speak louder.

3 – Disable notifications on your smartphone screen

Most users access their profile on social networks via their cell phone. By default, applications usually generate alerts for any activity that happens related to your profile. These alerts are certainly a bait to arouse curiosity and lead to wasted time. To avoid these distractions, configure your cell phone applications so that they do not generate alerts on your cell phone screen. This tip even applies to other applications that are not related to your work.

4 – Keep your cell phone out of reach

With quick and easy access, users end up developing the habit (addiction in some cases) of constantly viewing their cell phone and accessing a social network to check the news on the timeline. Therefore, avoiding this habit is essential. So, keep your cell phone stored in a drawer or backpack. Within reach, just to listen in case of a call.

5 – Set times to access your social network

You don't need to stop accessing your profile, but do so at a predefined time. Ideally, it should be at break times during work shifts. Certainly, 20 minutes each shift is more than enough to access your profile. In principle, this tip is also valid for companies that control access. In other words, granting access at certain intervals may be interesting for employees to rest.

6 – Determine your objective on each social network

Being on social media needs to have a purpose. Therefore, you need to understand the purpose of networks and how to follow friends and find out about news from brands you are interested in, without interfering with your work routine. The more clarity you have regarding why you access a social network, the more you will avoid wasting time.

7 – Only follow relevant people and brands

This tip complements the previous one. Follow your defined goal and only follow relevant people and brands that interest you. Avoid following any type of content, this will only fill your timeline with useless topics and may cause you to lose interesting information due to too much content.

8 – Relevance is worth more than quantity

Likewise, following relevant content allows you to share useful and interesting information. This avoids everyday publications or useless comments. In this sense, common sense is essential, to avoid discussions involving political and religious preferences, for example.

9 – Use social media managers

There are online services that allow integrated access to various profiles on social networks, which makes it easier to view content and publications. A good option for managing social networks is with HootSuite .

10 – Social networks are not “real time”

Understand that social networks do not require real-time responses. You can wait to respond to a comment. Urgent and relevant matters rarely come through social media.

11 – Separate your online life from your offline life

As much as social networks are present in our daily lives, it is essential to understand that the most important thing is real life. Valuing social networks more than reality is a type of behavior that can be linked to personal dissatisfaction. Stay focused on your personal and professional goals, nothing is more important than that! 

Finally, to conclude our tips, I would like you to understand that social networks are here to stay. In other words, you must proceed in a healthy and conscious way. So much for cultivating friendships, staying well-informed and nurturing professional relationships. Anything other than that is possibly irrelevant.

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